I’m going to share a secret web site with you.
The site is my very first blog! I dare you to take a look at the date of the first post at http://virtualselling.blogspot.ca/
Virtualselling.com is a domain I purchased in 1996, yes you read that correctly its 16 years old. What was hard about web sites back then was creating and editing them! You had to know HTML or pay a designer to create sites for you.
A bit later expensive and hard to use WYSIWYG web site editors like Frontpage and Dreamweaver were popular but it was still hard to create simple web site. that is until 2001. That year a funny little startup called blogspot came along and made it easy for ANYONE to publish their stuff on the internet. And they helped me produce my first blog.
Since then I create a hundreds of web sites using the blogging ideas, tactics and strategies I discovered, tested and tweaked with Blogging http://www.bloggingsecrets.com/ .
I’d be surprised if you actually heard of blogspot. If I remember correctly they went on to become “Blogger” and were later purchased by Google. I learned a ton of Blogging Secrets http://www.bloggingsecrets.com/ and more importantly was introduced to the wonderful WordPress Software that gave small business owners the ability to Host their own blogs on their own domain. the rest they say is history.
Is Blogging important?
With all the social network and mobile marketing http://www.mysmallbizismobile.com/ noise you’d think that WordPress and Blogging is no longer important. The truth is that YOUR WORDPRESS BLOG will always be the most important part of your online business. It’s the HUB that holds everything else that comes along together. Like a wheel your WordPress Blog acts as the HUB http://www.mysmallbizmap.com/ and everything else you do are spokes connecting you to your contacts, customers, and prospects.
So when is the best time to start blogging?
Now and if you are already blogging make sure that everything you do is reflected on you Blog.
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