I was podcasting before the word was invented!
It’s true.
In the fall of 2002 and spring of 2003 I was finalizing my book. “52 Secrets My Mom Never Told Me About Marketing” Download Link And wasn’t really sure how I was going to market it.
During that time I had also started playing around with online video and and audio creating online courses that weren’t talking head videos like you see today rather they were “Whiteboard Videos”. Viewers were able to see what I was writing on my whiteboard and listen while I explained what I was trying to teach.
You have to remember that at that time – everyone at home was probably on dial-up! The videos had to be low bandwidth.
The cool thing about these videos that they were actually 2 files that played in sync. The video portion and the audio. After creating a about 20 online courses spanning a couple hundred of these whiteboard videos I realized that I should probably do something with all the audio files.
I ended up creating a video course for the book which I sold – But I created a page each week with an audio of 1 of the tips from the videos. The audio file was only a link in the page/email but when it was clicked the viewers media player on their desktop opened and there were able to listen.
My very first PODCAST Series
I’m not kidding – here’s an example of one. Blogging Secret 31
I’d kind of forgotten about these Podcasts until recently and thought why not add them to my site again with a proper podcast plugin.
So checkout Secret 1 from the 52 Secrets My Mom Never Told Me – Using a real podcasting plugin
We use 2 great WordPress Plugins for podcasting now. If you’d like to learn how to Podcast and use them yourself checkout our LearnDash Powered Campus, Check the Course library for 2 great courses, “How To Start Podcasting” and How To Podcast with the WordPress Blubrry Plugin.
Hope you enjoy this blast from the past