How to Create "ASP and "PHP" Redirects
Take a look at the following links:
It looks like you”ll be visiting a site on doesn’t it?
After you’ve clicked each of the links read the text below and I’ll show you what’s really there
Let’s start with #3 the ASP page.
Here’s the actual text that makes up the page 1shopping.asp.
If you want to make an ASP page that simply redirects someone to another page follow these steps:
Create a brand new page in front page
Switch the page view from layout/design to code view
Delete all of the existing html code and text
Replace it by copying and then pasting in the above code
Replace the URL in the Response.Redirect line with the url that you want to send the person to
Select "Save As" from the Frontpage File menu to save the file making sure to save it with the .asp extension and not the html extension.
Test the link in your browser.
Here’s the PHP version:
Here’s the actual text that makes up the 1shopping.php file
< ?php
header( ‘Location:′ ) ;
Follow the same instructions as above except replace the existing URL with your URL after the text header(‘Location: Of course this one must be saved as a PHP file.
I"m also assuming that your host allows you to run PHP or ASP files 🙂