WordPress Plugin Supports Visual Editor

A Super Easy Way To Edit Your WordPress Blog

WordPress Plugin Brings a Visual Editor To Any Theme

The WordPress Blog Support team has always been a big fan of Drag and Drop Visual Editors for WordPress.

That’s why many of the sites we’ve designed used WordPress Frameworks like Pagelines.com with it’s beautiful “front end” editor that doesn’t even require you to edit sites from the WordPress Admin panel.

DIVI from Elegant Themes is another of those Visual Drag and Drop editors that we use frequently.  It’s even easier to use than Pagelines and comes complete with a ton of ready made layouts and components that make creating and servicing WordPress Blogs easy.

Today there’s more good news about DIVI. –  Full Story 

Their “DIVI Editor” has now been turned into it’s own WordPress Plugin.  what this means is that you aren’t limited to using it with the DIVI theme.  Installing this WordPress plugin brings the same benefits to any standards based WordPress Theme.

The DIVI Builder Plugin Has Arrived – A Drag & Drop Page Builder For Any WordPress Theme | Elegant Themes Blog

Today we are excited to announce that the Divi Builder has been released in the form of a stand-alone plugin. This means you can take the power of the Divi Builder (previously only available in our Divi Theme) and use it anywhere!This is the perfect way to build beautiful and advanced layouts inside of themes that don’t provide advanced page builders. You can use the Divi Builder with any of the 87 themes in our collection or you can use it with third party themes as well. It’s also the perfect solution for developers that want to build their own custom theme wrappers for the Divi Builder, allowing you to enjoy the power of Divi while maintaining complete control over your website’s header, footer and content wrapper.Finally, it also means that you can easily migrate away from the DIVI Theme by installing the Divi Builder Plugin with whichever theme you decide to switch to.

WPBlogSupport is a DIVI developer!

That’s great news for our WordPress Support customers.   Since you enjoy Unlimited WordPress Support, tweaks, fixes and small WordPress Jobs with your Unlimited WordPress Support plan you can get the plugin installed on your site.

  • If you’re a DIY WordPress Blog owner and just want to play around with it open a WordPress Support request for it to be installed.
  • If you’re a Busy Business owner that just wants your Blog looking great, open WordPress Support request and let us know what you want done.

This plugin might just be a game changer for drag and drop editors.  While there are others available, they are generally setup as a “3rd party” service that runs externally from WordPress OR they are poorly coded, buggy and hard to use.

The WordPress Blog Support team has always been pleased and impressed with how easy DIVI has been to use and Elegant Themes excellent support.  Check our the full story yourself for details and when you’re ready to relax, Sign up for Unlimited WordPress Support and let us take care of your WordPress Powered business for just $77.

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