Get More Traffic With WordPress RSS Feeds and Podcasts

What is Podcasting

The word “podcasting” was a buzzword with the techie crowd in the early days.  You may have heard of it but not really understood what is was for.

So what is podcasting, anyway?

Podcasting is online audio content that is delivered via an RSS feed.

Think of it as radio on demand except you get to download and KEEP the song when you tune in.   Listening to a Podcast gives the listener a tone of options for consuming the content, far more than just listening to a radio station.  When a listener subscribers to a Podcast, they are the ones that determine the time and the place they want to listen, meaning they decide what programming they want to receive and when they want to listen to it.

Listeners can retain audio archives to listen to at their leisure.

While blogs have turned many bloggers into journalists, podcasting has the potential to turn podcasters into radio personalities.  Plus it can be used for a ton marketing and traffic generation purposes.  Here are some simple examples:

  1. Daily/Weekly/Monthly Informational content
  2. Music – Band promotional clips and interviews.
  3. Talk Shows – Industry or organizational news, investor news, sportscasts, news coverage and commentaries.
  4. Training Series – Instructional informational materials.
  5. Story – Story telling for children or the visually-impaired.

Podcasting is the syndication of audio files using RSS feeds.  It works the same as a standard RSS feed reader or news aggregator, the only difference is that the feed you subscribe to contains an audio file in it.   The best part is that WordPress does all the work.

Watch this video and you’ll learn what an RSS Feed is, how it gets created in WordPress and more importantly how you can use Podcasts to generate traffic without your Blog!

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